Personal Website of Rahul Gladwin

Photo of Rahul Gladwin


My name is Rahul Gladwin (राहुल ग्लैडविन) and serves as an online archive of my academic notes, piano mp3s, videos, and other files. You may also be interested in this FAQ.

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Signature of Rahul Gladwin

Academic Interests:

Internal medicine, genetics, electromagnetics, renewable energy, digital media, healthcare management, radio-frequency technology, robotics, space medicine, artificial intelligence.

Professional & Academic Affiliations:

• American College of Physicians.

• American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin.

• American Medical Student Association.

• Christian Medical & Dental Association.

• Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers.

Alpha Mu Gamma, Foreign Language Honor Society.

Phi Theta Kappa, Academic Honor Society.

• University of Illinois Alumni Association.

Bible Verse of the Day:

I will sing to the LORD, I will sing; I will make music to the LORD, the God of Israel. - Judges 5:3

Random Pages:

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Why did I decide to become a doctor? Medical School Admissions Essay Video: Titanic Piano Theme: The Portrait
Corporate Failure: The Enron Case My Experience during the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait
USMLE Blood Lab Values Regulation of Heart Rate by Autonomic Nervous System
Images of Antibodies Video of me playing Titanic Piano Theme: The Portrait
Notes on Lymphoid Tissue Differentiation and Anatomy of a Blastocyst
Notes on Cell Components Notes on Nervous Tissue
Voices from Hell: My Experience in Mussoorie, India Video of Cardiology Examination in a Clinical Setting

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This page is written by Rahul Gladwin. Please do not duplicate the contents of this page in whole or part, in any form, without prior written permission.