Impact of Industrialization on Social Life
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Industrial Sociology Impact of Industrialization on Social Life
Impact upon marriage and family:
In traditional India, marriage was considered a continual sacred union between man and woman. Marriage was said to be made in heaven and was sanctified by God, and was a way to attain salvation. Furthermore, arranged marriages and child-marriages were common. With the coming of industrialization, however, things have impeccably changed. Marriage has been reduced to a social contract that can be broken anytime. People are marring outside their religion and caste, and love marriages have become more common. Divorces are common and many people have adopted to remain singles all their lives.
Family life has considerable changed with the coming of industrialization. The number of family functions has decreased. For example, children are no longer educated in homes, but in schools. Young people choose professions other than their ancestral professions. Joint families have slowed in growth, and families in general have gotten smaller. The role of women has increased and women are considered equal to men in the family. Old traditions and customs have been rejected.
Impact upon caste and class:
Social life in ancient India revolved around caste. People worked, lived and married people of their own caste. Young people chose professions based upon their caste and class. With the coming of industrialization, however, things have changed. People are working, living and marrying outside their caste and religion. Children of lower class parents are attending prestigious colleges and choosing high paying professions, thus, moving up in the social ladder. Hence, India is becoming an open minded society, and caste and creed are slowly melting away and losing importance.
Impact upon stratification:
Industry has been stratified based upon occupation, education, income, and birth. In the olden days, a son of a Brahmin would grow up to enjoy the prestige of his parents. In the industry, however, a son of a manager would not grow up to become a manager but must first get all the education and training. In the area of education, science and technology based degrees are considered more superior to literary degrees. A person's social status is measured in terms of his/her income, and now by what social class they were born into. Furthermore, people of the lower class are rising higher and higher in the social ladder, and person's birth can no longer determine his/her caste or social class, only his/her education and income can determine those factors.
Impact on religion and morals:
With the coming of industrialization, religion is seen as an outdated belief system. Science is as in opposition to religion, and people who reason based on science are seen as modernized. Recently, however, science and religion are seen as different sides of the same coin. Industrialization is closely related to science and technology, religious influence on the industrialized society is weaning. People of different religious backgrounds work and live together in peace.
Morals and ethics stem from religion. With the weakening grip of religion on society, morals and ethics are also departing from society or changing altogether. For example, abortions are commonplace and sex before marriage is also common. People have a rational and materialistic outlook toward life. Due to the loosening social control, there has also been in increase in crimes.
Impact on Entertainment:
In the olden days, people lived in joint families. There would be a dozen adult members and a dozen children. Entertainment in joint families was simple. Today, however, families have gotten smaller and all the adult members are employed. Entertainment has become institutionalized, and can be purchased with money. New forms of entertainment include cinemas, bars, clubs, television, casinos, etc.
Additional Readings:
1. Palekar Tribunal
2. Functions and Concepts of Industrial Management
3. Maladjusted Worker
4. Contract Work
5. Industrial Bureaucracy
6. Elements of an Organization
7. Scope, Aims, Objectives of Personnel Management
8. Recruitment and Major Recruitment Channels
9. Obstacles of Indian Trade Unions
10. Impact of Industrialization on Social Life
11. Automation and Steps Involved
12. Advantages and Disadvantages of Broker Recruitment
13. Causes and Consequences of Industrial Disputes
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