Maladjusted Worker
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Industrial Sociology Maladjusted Worker
Who is a Maladjusted Worker?
A maladjusted worker has a nervous temperament and is unable to adjust to the environment he or she is employed in. Maladjustment comes in two varieties: mild and serious. An employee suffering from mild maladjustment suffers from these symptoms: Jealousy, self-pity, depression, no cooperation, fault finding, very emotional, conflict agitator, requiring attraction. An employee suffering from serious maladjustment suffers from these symptoms: Frequent change of jobs, withdrawal, tiredness, spasmodic and irregular application, daydreaming, low attention span, irritability, indigestion, fear, fear of being spied upon, and hearing voices. Maladjustment may be caused by various factors including, but not limited to, emotional immaturity, inability to control desires, or abnormal expression of emotions.
Additional Readings:
1. Palekar Tribunal
2. Functions and Concepts of Industrial Management
3. Maladjusted Worker
4. Contract Work
5. Industrial Bureaucracy
6. Elements of an Organization
7. Scope, Aims, Objectives of Personnel Management
8. Recruitment and Major Recruitment Channels
9. Obstacles of Indian Trade Unions
10. Impact of Industrialization on Social Life
11. Automation and Steps Involved
12. Advantages and Disadvantages of Broker Recruitment
13. Causes and Consequences of Industrial Disputes
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