Definition of Perception

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What is Perception?

Perception is the way an individual understands and perceives a concept. This may be anything ranging to a piece of art, to company terms and services. Furthermore, each individual has a different perception of the world and the things in it. The study of divergence between individuals' perception is an important area of study within an organization, and relates to human relations and organizational behavior.

For example, if a candidate is rejected from a job application after an interview, the candidate may claim that the interview was unfair. Even if the interview was fair, it was unfair according to the candidate's perception of it. The appraisal of an employee's performance is also relative. While the employee may think he/she was done excellent on the job, the supervisor may think the opposite; and this is all due to human perception.

Additional Readings:

1. Human Relations Movement according to Fred Luthans
2. Definition of Organization Behavior
3. Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior
4. Unconscious Behavior and Sigmund Freud
5. Mechanics of Defense Mechanisms
6. Content and Process, and Abraham Maslow's Need-Hierarchy Theory
7. Theory of motivation by Herzberg
8. Definition of Morale
9. Ego States
10. Determinants of Personality
11. Definition of Perception
12. Attitude, Belief, and Ideology
13. Stress and State of Exhaustion
14. Leadership and Leadership Styles
15. Path-Goal Leadership

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