Leadership and Leadership Styles

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What is Leadership?

Leadership is defined as the power to influence people, and persuade them to carry out a task enthusiastically. A great leader can make people work for him/her while showing regard for the well-being of those working under him/her. A good leader is one of the most important assets of a company. A majority of company failures are caused by bad leadership. A good leader can levitate a company to great heights and cause big gains in profit.

Role of Ledership:

Leadership is a dynamic process. It is not fixed, but continuously changing. Leadership comes in different forms. One may be a positive leader who shows regard for the welfare of his/her subordinates, or one may be a negative leader who enforces strict discipline upon his/her subordinates. There are three styles of leadership:

Types of Leaderships:

Autocratic Style:

These leaders possess all power and make all decisions alone. Employees are forced to do what they are told; behavior is reinforced using rewards and punishment.

Participative Style:

These leaders work with the employees and make decisions bilaterally, where the opinion of employees also counts. This leadership works on the trust of employees.

Free-rein leadership style:

This type of leadership style is complete opposite of the autocratic style. A leader is given a minor role and the subordinates make company decisions as a group. The leader has to agree with all decisions taken by the subordinates.

Additional Readings:

1. Human Relations Movement according to Fred Luthans
2. Definition of Organization Behavior
3. Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior
4. Unconscious Behavior and Sigmund Freud
5. Mechanics of Defense Mechanisms
6. Content and Process, and Abraham Maslow's Need-Hierarchy Theory
7. Theory of motivation by Herzberg
8. Definition of Morale
9. Ego States
10. Determinants of Personality
11. Definition of Perception
12. Attitude, Belief, and Ideology
13. Stress and State of Exhaustion
14. Leadership and Leadership Styles
15. Path-Goal Leadership

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