Career Planning
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Personnel Management Career Planning
Objectives of Career Planning:
The main objective of career planning is to enable employees plan their careers with the organization in terms of mapping their abilities to organizational needs. Career planning synthesizes and harmonizes organizational needs to aspirations of employees. If these objectives are met, the company becomes effective in terms of management and this is reflected in rising profits.
Need for career planning:
1. When the need for additional employees arises unexpectedly, the management can always fall back on internal human resources than on external recruitment.
2. The growing work-related expectations and aspirations of employees within an organization are necessary for effective management, organizational growth and maximum productivity.
3. Competitive and competent individuals are attracted to challenging projects.
4. Employee turnover rate is reduced with growing internal opportunities.
5. Employee motivation and morale is improved and maintained.
Purpose of career planning:
1. Personnel highly suitable for the job is attracted and retained within the organization.
2. The career interests of employees can be mapped to the job requirements; this may motivate the employees to be trained specifically for that job.
3. Efficient use of human resources, a high level of productivity and employee satisfaction, and more meaningful careers.
4. The work-force is highly stable due to low turnover rate.
5. Managerial reserves are efficiently used at all levels of management.
6. Better morale and motivation of employees.
Advantages of career planning:
1. Employees with the right ability and aptitude have a chance for great career growth potential.
2. New recruits feel well respected and secure within the organization.
3. Employees are loyal and motivated, and possess high morale.
4. Employee turnover rate is low.
5. The organization is more homogenous in terms of workforce.
6. Since the organization is highly successful in terms of meeting its objectives, its presence in the market is highly respected.
Additional Readings:
1. Personnel Administration and Personnel Staff
2. Duties of Personnel Managers
3. Manpower Planning
4. Valuation of Human Resources
5. Career Planning
6. Advantages of Diversifying Managerial Training
7. Causes of Failure of Training Programs
8. Promotion Procedures of an Organization
9. Calculation of Minimum Wages according to Indian Labor Conference 1957
10. Wage Influencing Variables and Bonus Schemes
11. Salary Administration Procedures
12. Classification of Fringe Benefits
13. Importance of Good Communication in Business
14. Job Analysis
15. Recruitment Checklist
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