Promotion Procedures of an Organization
Rahul's Noteblog
Notes on Personnel Management
Promotion Procedures of an Organization
Promotion Procedures Employed by Companies:
a. Sometimes, companies promote employees internally. They issue job postings within an organization, and encourage qualified employees to apply. In this way, capable employees get promoted within an organization. This policy is used in western countries like USA and Canada, and is also being used within India.
b. Many a times, employees sponsor themselves for promotion having input a number of years into an organization. This procedure is used in the French aircraft industry, and is being proposed to be used in the Indian public sector. It is fairly common in management institutes.
c. When a job opening is posted within an organization, a list of potential recruits is complied. This list is periodically checked and updated taking into account the performance reports of people. These lists are created on the basis of merit. People at the top of the list have better chance of getting the desired job.
d. Most organizations maintain a seniority list. Senior-most personnel are named on this list starting with the most senior at the top. After a senior retires, his/her position is taken by the next on the list.
Additional Readings:
1. Personnel Administration and Personnel Staff
2. Duties of Personnel Managers
3. Manpower Planning
4. Valuation of Human Resources
5. Career Planning
6. Advantages of Diversifying Managerial Training
7. Causes of Failure of Training Programs
8. Promotion Procedures of an Organization
9. Calculation of Minimum Wages according to Indian Labor Conference 1957
10. Wage Influencing Variables and Bonus Schemes
11. Salary Administration Procedures
12. Classification of Fringe Benefits
13. Importance of Good Communication in Business
14. Job Analysis
15. Recruitment Checklist
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