Advantages of Automation
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Production and Operations Management Advantages of Automation
What are Advantages of Automation?
Automation is the act of implementing the control of equipment with advanced technology, and usually involves electronic hardware. Furthermore, automation replaces human workers with machines. Nevertheless, automation is used to perform repetitive tasks which would be time-consuming or extremely tedious to be performed by human hands. Some advantages of automation may be:
Since there are a minimum number of people involved, fatal accidents are reduced to a minimum.
Simple usage:
Automated machines work with the click of a button. As soon as the machine is switched on, work is immediately in progress.
Decreased energy consumption:
Sometimes, machines are powered by solar power and can work 24 hours per day without needing rest.
Minimizes complex steps:
Automated systems make it much easier to perform repetitive and tedious tasks, thus, saving time and money.
Quick decision making:
Automated systems are programmed to take action immediately without spending time on thinking and decision making processes.
Better quality control:
Automated systems never get tired or get lazy; hence, the chance of making mistakes is a minimum. Therefore, the product is of higher quality and produced in minimum time.
More accuracy:
Automated systems are more accurate. For example, an automated system will drill a car door in exactly the same position hundreds of thousands of times, while a human counterpart will tend to deviate from the intended drill site.
Increased productivity:
Since automated systems are time and energy saving systems, yet, produce more products in due time, productivity is greatly increased by automated systems.
Improved design:
Automated systems are equipped with built-in design options. Instructions are fed into the machine and the machine does its work, making the design process much easier and faster.
Due to these reasons, automation has become a symbol of quality, productivity, and high profits.
Additional Readings:
1. Objectives and Elements of Production and Operations Management
2. Basic Stages and Objectives of Planning in Production and Operations Management
3. Relationship between Process of Planning and External Agencies
4. Selecting a Manufacturing Plant Site
5. Controlling, Total Quality Control, and Deming’s 14 Points
6. Quality and Cost Economics and ASQC Categories of Quality Cost
7. Example of Multiple Activity Chart and Work Measurement
8. Japanese vs American Production and Operations Management
9. Kaizen Framework and Kaizen vs McKinsey
10. Advantages of Automation
11. Concept of Appropriate Technology
12. ‘Just in Time’ Manufacturing
13. Preventive Maintenance
14. Total Quality Management and ISO-9000
15. Inventory Control
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