Kaizen Framework & Kaizen vs McKinsey
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Production and Operations Management Kaizen Framework & Kaizen vs McKinsey
Kaizen framework:
"Kai" = evolving change.
"Zen" = good improvement.
Seiri (Sorting out):
Involves saving resources yet having maximum amount of space. This is done by disposing off unnecessary items and saving necessary items. Furthermore, items may be segregated according to 'not needed,' 'needed but not now,' 'needed but not close to place of operation,' and 'needed but not in large quantity.' The frequency of sorting out has to be decided.
Seiton (Systematic Arrangement):
Involves arranging and storing items systematically in order to minimize search time and wastage of storage space.
Seiso (Spic and span):
Involves keeping all items in good working condition by regular maintenance and service.
Seiketsu (Standardization):
Involves using standardized protocols to maintain stringent quality standards.
Shitsuke (Self Discipline):
Ensures making no errors the first time and every time.
McKinsey vs Kaizen:
American (McKinsey) systems stress more on strategy, structure, and systems. Japanese (Kaizen) systems stress more on staff, skills, styles, and shared values. Additionally, the Japanese had an advantage over the Americans because the Japanese stress more on human interaction and behavior.
Additional Readings:
1. Objectives and Elements of Production and Operations Management
2. Basic Stages and Objectives of Planning in Production and Operations Management
3. Relationship between Process of Planning and External Agencies
4. Selecting a Manufacturing Plant Site
5. Controlling, Total Quality Control, and Deming’s 14 Points
6. Quality and Cost Economics and ASQC Categories of Quality Cost
7. Example of Multiple Activity Chart and Work Measurement
8. Japanese vs American Production and Operations Management
9. Kaizen Framework and Kaizen vs McKinsey
10. Advantages of Automation
11. Concept of Appropriate Technology
12. ‘Just in Time’ Manufacturing
13. Preventive Maintenance
14. Total Quality Management and ISO-9000
15. Inventory Control
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