Random USMLE Facts volume 1-10

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Random USMLE Facts volume 1-10:

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What are some characteristics of nephrotic syndrome?

• Increased glomerular capillary wall permeability.

• Massive proteinuria.

• Edema.

• Hypoalbuminemia.

• Dropped colloid osmotic pressure.

• Sodium and water retention.

• Increased lipoprotein synthesis by liver.

What are the functions of:

• Lentiform nucleus (globus pallidus and putamen): affected in Wilson's disease. There are wing-beating tremors, psychosis, bradykinesia, rigidity, and resting tremor.

• Caudate nucleus: atrophy occurs in Huntington's disease.

• Subthalamic nucleus: injury causes hemiballism.

• Thalamus: causes thalamic syndrome - burning and stabbing sensation on the opposite side of the body.

What happens during:

• Anterior dislocation of the humerus: right shoulder pain, flattened deltoid muscle, numbness.

• Acromioclavicular joint subluxation: swelling and upward displacement of clavicle.

• Clavicular fracture: local swelling and tenderness.

• Spiral fracture of humeral midshaft: wrist drop.

• Fracture of coracoid process: rare; found in individuals who engage in gun-related sports.

• Rotator cuff injury: occurs in shoulder dislocations.

What are the findings in dilated cardiomyopathy?

• LV dilation with abnormal systolic flow to LA.

• RV dilation with abnormal systolic flow to RA.

• Increased end-systolic and end-diastolic LV volumes.

What happens to total body water in SIADH?

It increases initially, and then it equilibrates.

How do you calculate renal blood flow from renal a. pressure, renal v. pressure, and renal vascular resistance?

RBF = (RAP - RVP) / RVR.

Which cells regulate body's iron content?

Intestinal epithelial cells.

What is holiday heart syndrome and how is it caused?

It is atrial fibrillation caused due to excessive consumption of alcohol. There are absent P-waves on EKG.

Hints for:

• Multiple sclerosis: ocular problems and numbness/tingling in extremities.

• Guillain-Barr syndrome: ascending paralysis and respiratory failure; usually follows a viral infection.

What are the findings in multiple myeloma?

• Amyloidosis.

• Anemia.

• Hypercalcemia causing bone pain.

• Renal failure.

• Increased susceptibility to infection.

What is the significance of anti-HBsAg?

It is found in individuals vaccinated against HBV.

What is the mechanism of action of acyclovir?

It is a nucleoside that incorporates itself into newly replicated DNA. It is used to treat HSV-2.

What is important to consider before initiating ACE inhibitor therapy?

Presence of bilateral renal artery stenosis.

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USMLE Facts 6 USMLE Facts 7 USMLE Facts 8 USMLE Facts 9 USMLE Facts 10

Additional Readings:

Random USMLE Facts

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2. Random USMLE Facts volume 2-1
3. Random USMLE Facts volume 3-1
4. Random USMLE Facts volume 4-1
5. Random USMLE Facts volume 5-1
6. Random USMLE Facts volume 6-1
7. Random USMLE Facts volume 7-1
8. Random USMLE Facts volume 8-1
9. Random USMLE Facts volume 9-1
10. Random USMLE Facts volume 10-1
11. Random USMLE Facts volume 11-1
12. Random USMLE Facts volume 12-1

General and Systemic Examinations

1. General Examination for Internal Medicine
2. Jugular Venous Distention Workup
3. ER Chest Pain Workup
4. Format for Patient Presentation
5. Pulmonary Examination for Internal Medicine
6. Cardiac Examination for Internal Medicine
7. Abdominal Examination for Internal Medicine
8. Cranial Nerve Reflexes
9. Motor System Examination
10. Random Sensory System Facts
11. Random Stroke Facts

Medical Files & Presentations

1. USMLE Flashcards [Size: 1.9 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
2. Otitis Media in Children [Size: 5.4 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Size: 170 kB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
4. Acid-Base Disturbance: Acidotic or Alkalotic? [Size: 427 kB; Format: PDF]
5. Thrombocytopenia [Size: 2.42 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
6. Are Face Transplants Ethical? [Size: 70.2 kB; Format: MS Powerpoint]

USMLE Step 2 CS Videos

1. Video of Cardiology Examination in a Clinical Setting
2. Video of Neurology Examination in a Clinical Setting
3. Video of Pulmonology Examination in a Clinical Setting
4. Video of Musculoskeletal Examination in a Clinical Setting
5. Video of Abdominal Examination in a Clinical Setting
6. Video of HEENT Examination in a Clinical Setting
7. Video and Description of Rinne Hearing Test
8. Video and Description of Weber Hearing Test

USMLE Laboratory (lab) Values

1. USMLE Blood Lab Values
2. USMLE Cerebrospinal Lab Values
3. USMLE Hematologic Lab Values
4. USMLE Sweat and Urine Lab Values

Medical Images

Useful Medical Images & Diagrams (link opens in a new window)

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