Random USMLE Facts volume 1-9

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Random USMLE Facts volume 1-9:

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When is erythropoietin deficiency seen in?

Chronic renal failure (not acute renal failure).

What type of anemia can be caused by M. pneumonia and EBV infections?

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

How does S. pneumonia acquire new genes?

Chromosomal fragment (free DNA) uptake from media.

What are competent bacteria? What is the meaning of 'competent'?

These are bacteria that can take up free DNA from the environment and undergo transformation. Examples are S pneumoniae, H. influenza, N. meningitides.

What do corticosteroids cause to derma?

Dermal atrophy.

Describe the radiolucency of various types of kidney stones:

• Calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate: radiopaque (most common).
• Struvite magnesium: radiopaque.
• Uric acid: radiolucent (almost invisible).
• Cystine: radiopaque.

What protein is malfunctioning in AML t(15:17)?

Retinoic acid receptor protein.

What gastric cells are subject to pernicious anemia-induced atrophy?

Parietal cells; these cells secrete HCL and IF.

What are the LH, FSH, and estradiol values in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa?

All are decreased.

What happens in a granulosa cell?

Androgens synthesized in the ovaries are converted to estradiol by enzyme aromatase.

What happens in a theca interna cell?

Cholesterol is converted into androgens.

What is caudal regression syndrome, and how is it caused?

Baby develops flaccid lower extremities and absent ankle reflexes. It is caused by uncontrolled maternal diabetes.

Give examples of three important types of anti-metabolites:

The three types are:
• Folate antagonist - methotrexate.
• Purine analogs - 6-MP, fludarabine (tx for CLL), cladribine (tx for HCL).
• Pyrimidine analogs - 5-FU, capecitabine, cytarabine, gemcitabine.

What is cladribine and what is it used for?

Cladribine is a purine analog used to treat hairy cell leukemia because it can successfully decrease the number of remissions. Furthermore, it is resistant to adenosine deaminase.

How does an empathic statement begin in a doctor-patient relationship?

'I can imagine�' or 'I feel your pain�.'

What are the functions of:

• RNA pol I: forms rRNA.
• RNA pol II: synthesize mRNA.
• RNA pol III: forms tRNA, 5S rRNA and snRNPs.

What are the most effective agents for treatment of GI reflux due to pancreatic tumor?

Proton pump inhibitors.

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Additional Readings:

Random USMLE Facts

1. Random USMLE Facts volume 1-1
2. Random USMLE Facts volume 2-1
3. Random USMLE Facts volume 3-1
4. Random USMLE Facts volume 4-1
5. Random USMLE Facts volume 5-1
6. Random USMLE Facts volume 6-1
7. Random USMLE Facts volume 7-1
8. Random USMLE Facts volume 8-1
9. Random USMLE Facts volume 9-1
10. Random USMLE Facts volume 10-1
11. Random USMLE Facts volume 11-1
12. Random USMLE Facts volume 12-1

General and Systemic Examinations

1. General Examination for Internal Medicine
2. Jugular Venous Distention Workup
3. ER Chest Pain Workup
4. Format for Patient Presentation
5. Pulmonary Examination for Internal Medicine
6. Cardiac Examination for Internal Medicine
7. Abdominal Examination for Internal Medicine
8. Cranial Nerve Reflexes
9. Motor System Examination
10. Random Sensory System Facts
11. Random Stroke Facts

Medical Files & Presentations

1. USMLE Flashcards [Size: 1.9 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
2. Otitis Media in Children [Size: 5.4 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Size: 170 kB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
4. Acid-Base Disturbance: Acidotic or Alkalotic? [Size: 427 kB; Format: PDF]
5. Thrombocytopenia [Size: 2.42 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
6. Are Face Transplants Ethical? [Size: 70.2 kB; Format: MS Powerpoint]

USMLE Step 2 CS Videos

1. Video of Cardiology Examination in a Clinical Setting
2. Video of Neurology Examination in a Clinical Setting
3. Video of Pulmonology Examination in a Clinical Setting
4. Video of Musculoskeletal Examination in a Clinical Setting
5. Video of Abdominal Examination in a Clinical Setting
6. Video of HEENT Examination in a Clinical Setting
7. Video and Description of Rinne Hearing Test
8. Video and Description of Weber Hearing Test

USMLE Laboratory (lab) Values

1. USMLE Blood Lab Values
2. USMLE Cerebrospinal Lab Values
3. USMLE Hematologic Lab Values
4. USMLE Sweat and Urine Lab Values

Medical Images

Useful Medical Images & Diagrams (link opens in a new window)

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