Notes on Lung Sounds
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Pulmonology Notes on Lung Sounds
Pathological condition: | Breath sounds: |
Pleural effusion: | Decrease in movement of ipsilateral chest wall, dullness on percussion, and decreased breath sounds. Egophone can sometimes be heard. |
Pneumothorax: | Hyper-resonance on percussion and decreased breath sounds. Breath sounds will be completely absent if pneumothorax is large. |
Emphysema: | Breath sounds are vesicular and the intensity of breath sounds is significantly decreased. Wheezing may be present. |
Interstitial lung disease: | Lungs are resonant on percussion and have vesicular breath sounds. Fine crackles may be heard. |
Mucous plugging: | No breath sounds because the lung parenchyma is collapsed. |
Consolidation: | Dullness to percussion, bronchial breath sounds, egophony, increased fremitus, bronchophony, and whispered pectoriloquy. |
Additional Reading:
Basic Pulmonology
1. Lung Mechanics
2. Alveolar-Blood Gas Exchange
3. Gas Transport and Regulation of Respiration
4. Four Causes of Hypoxemia
5. Control of Respiration
6. Systemic vs Pulmonary Circulation FAQ
7. Principles of Gas Exchange in Lungs
8. Hypoxia, Hypoxemia & Hemoglobin-Oxygen Saturation Curve
9. FAQ on Mechanics of Breathing
10. FAQ on Control of Breathing
11. Criteria for Transudate Pleural Effusion
12. Light's Criteria for Exudate Pleural Effusion
13. Notes on Lung Sounds
14. Patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
15. Management of Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis
16. Notes on Asthma Treatment
Pulmonology Videos
1. Video of Pulmonology Examination in a Clinical Setting
Related Topics
1. Histology of the Respiratory System
2. Upper and Lower Respiratory Disorders
3. Pulmonary Examination for Internal Medicine
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Useful Medical Images & Diagrams (link opens in a new window)
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