Definition of Morale

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What is Morale?

Morale is defined as the satisfaction level of employees in relation to their workplace. It is how employees see their jobs, their attitudes to their work environment, and their honest cooperation toward the progress of the entire company. Morale also indicates the happiness level of employees within a company. It is also a condition in which long-term company goals are merged with individualized goals. Morale and productivity are directly proportional, that is, if morale is high, productivity is also high.

Morale & Productivity:

In the diagram on the next page,

Line A = low productivity with high morale.

Line B = high productivity with high morale.

Line C = high productivity with low morale.

According to line C, to is true that productivity can increase despite a low morale. This is done using stiff management principles using close supervision and strict discipline. This type of people management doesn't work in the long run and may suddenly collapse.

According to line A, morale is high but productivity is low due to weak management and planning.

A good manager should aim for a line B, where morale is high and productivity is also high. Line B represents the best management technique and works in the long run.

Definition of Morale:

Definition of Morale

Additional Readings:

1. Human Relations Movement according to Fred Luthans
2. Definition of Organization Behavior
3. Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior
4. Unconscious Behavior and Sigmund Freud
5. Mechanics of Defense Mechanisms
6. Content and Process, and Abraham Maslow's Need-Hierarchy Theory
7. Theory of motivation by Herzberg
8. Definition of Morale
9. Ego States
10. Determinants of Personality
11. Definition of Perception
12. Attitude, Belief, and Ideology
13. Stress and State of Exhaustion
14. Leadership and Leadership Styles
15. Path-Goal Leadership

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