Random USMLE Facts volume 2-1
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on USMLE facts, Exam Tips, and USMLE Lab Values Random USMLE Facts volume 2-1
Random USMLE Facts volume 2-1:
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USMLE Facts 6 | USMLE Facts 7 | USMLE Facts 8 | USMLE Facts 9 | USMLE Facts 10 |
In what direction is proof-reading done? What happens during lack of proof reading?
3' to 5' direction. There are more chances of developing mutations due to genetic instability.
What are the findings and treatments for essential tremor?
There is hand tremor, which is more prominent when carrying out daily activities, and subsides with alcohol consumption. Treatment would be a beta blocker like propranolol. There is family history involved too.
What ions do postsynaptic ligand-gated ion channels in neurons conduct?
Na and K.
What may be two uses of celecoxib?
Osteoarthritis and peptic ulcer disease. Celecoxib is an NSAID.
What is 'effect modification?'
Effect modification occurs when the effect of an exposure is modified by an external variable. For example, treatment for postmenopausal symptoms in women is ineffective in women who smoke.
As age increases, what happens to renal function?
Renal clearance decreases.
What is HLA is associated with ankylosing spondylitis?
A specific HLA class I serotype (HLA B27).
What is lipofuscin?
It is an insoluble pigment of lipid and considered a sign of 'wear and tear.' It is seen in the heart and liver of weak and old patients.
What are the findings in mitral regurgitation?
Holosystolic murmur at the apex with radiation to the axilla and presence of an audible S3 sound.
Why shouldn't patents taking thiazide diuretics and/or loop diuretics be given ACE inhibitors?
ACE inhibitors can cause first dose hypotension, and this is exaggerated in patents taking thiazide diuretics and/or loop diuretics.
Give examples of delayed-type hypersensitivity. What cells are most active?
Tuberculin skin test, contact dermatitis, granulomatous inflammation, and Candida extract skin reaction are examples. T-cells are most active.
Activity of what enzyme is decreased in riboflavin deficiency?
Succinate dehydrogenase.
What percentage of a blood vessel lumen is blocked to experience symptoms of angina?
80% + is blocked to experience chest discomfort.
What is the function of aldose reductase?
It converts glucose to sorbitol.
What is the function of sorbitol dehydrogenase?
It converts sorbitol to fructose.
What are the findings in follicular lymphoma?
Non-tender cervical lymphadenopathy. There is BCL2 over expression, tumor formation, and t(14:18) in 80-90% of cases. Affected lymph nodes look normal at low magnification.
What are the findings in rubeola?
High fever, nasal discharge, lacrimation, dry cough, skin rash, and blue-white spots on buccal mucosa (Koplik spots).
What are the findings in heroin withdrawal?
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, rhinorrhea, dilated pupils. Symptoms are described as flu-like.
What are the findings in alcohol withdrawal?
Autonomic system hyperactivity - tremors, tachycardia, hypertension.
USMLE Facts 1 | USMLE Facts 2 | USMLE Facts 3 | USMLE Facts 4 | USMLE Facts 5 |
USMLE Facts 6 | USMLE Facts 7 | USMLE Facts 8 | USMLE Facts 9 | USMLE Facts 10 |
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2. Jugular Venous Distention Workup
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Medical Files & Presentations
1. USMLE Flashcards [Size: 1.9 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
2. Otitis Media in Children [Size: 5.4 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
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USMLE Step 2 CS Videos
1. Video of Cardiology Examination in a Clinical Setting
2. Video of Neurology Examination in a Clinical Setting
3. Video of Pulmonology Examination in a Clinical Setting
4. Video of Musculoskeletal Examination in a Clinical Setting
5. Video of Abdominal Examination in a Clinical Setting
6. Video of HEENT Examination in a Clinical Setting
7. Video and Description of Rinne Hearing Test
8. Video and Description of Weber Hearing Test
USMLE Laboratory (lab) Values
1. USMLE Blood Lab Values
2. USMLE Cerebrospinal Lab Values
3. USMLE Hematologic Lab Values
4. USMLE Sweat and Urine Lab Values
Medical Images
Useful Medical Images & Diagrams (link opens in a new window)
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