Organizational Structure of Indian Trade Unions & Union Security Covers

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Levels of Indian Trade Unions:

Trade unions in India are divided into three levels: Local, State, and Central. National or Central Federation of labour has connections with local trade unions.

Trade unions in India are affiliate with two types of organizations: National federation, and Federation of Unions.

The National Federation of trade unions is an organization comprising of all trade unions in a region irrespective of their industrial area. The Federation of Unions has the function of creating new unions and strengthening the relationships between the existing unions and workers.

Union Security Covers:

A union security is established to ensure that members remain members of the union and abide by its laws. There are six types of union security covers:

a. The union serves as the sole bargaining agent for all employees in the industry or unit.

b. Union members are given priority by hiring industries.

c. All members must maintain membership with the union as long as they're employed in the industry.

d. Employees must pay dues to the union in exchange for collective bargaining services.

e. The union shop requires all employees to become members of the union after a specific period of time.

f. Check-off is the process by which the employer deducts union membership fees from workers' salary, then submits the membership fees to the respective union.

Additional Readings:

1. Indian Labor Class
2. Causes of High Labor Turnover in India
3. Principles and Functions of Indian Trade Unions
4. Organizational Structure of Indian Trade Unions and Union Security Covers
5. Indian Trade Union Act of 1926
6. Additions to Trade Union Amendment of 1982
7. Problems with Indian Trade Unions
8. Recommendations of the National Commission of Labor
9. National Central Trade Union Organizations in India
10. Conduction of a Trade Union Meeting
11. Types of Union Meetings
12. Rights of Recognized Trade Unions
13. Participative Movement
14. Functions of Joint Management Councils
15. Cancellation of Indian Trade Union Registration

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