Random USMLE Facts volume 6-7

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Random USMLE Facts volume 6-7:

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What does coccidioides immitis look like?

A large spherule filled with small round endospores.

What area is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve?

Lateral forearm.

What area is innervated by the radial nerve?

Posterior forearm.

What area is innervated by the ulnar nerve?

Medial forearm.

What area is innervated by the superficial branch of the radial nerve?

Thenar eminence.

What is the treatment of acute diphtheria infection?

Administration of diphtheria antitoxin, administration of penicillin or erythromycin, administration of DPT (passive) vaccine. Note that active diphtheria vaccine is given as a prevention, not as a cure.

What are the findings in asbestos exposure?

Localized pleural thickening with calcification particularly in the parietal pleura of the posterolateral mid-lung zones and diaphragm.

What are the findings in silica exposure?

Pleural plaques or effusions; nodular densities and eggshell calcifications are seen.

What are the findings in pulmonary berylliosis?

Nodular infiltrates, enlarged lymph nodes, and non-caseating granulomas.

What type of insulin is used to treat diabetic ketoacidosis?

Regular insulin.

What is the usage of neutral protamine hadgedron and Lente insulins?

These are intermediate insulins and are used once the patient is stable and can accept oral feeding.

What happens in pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency? And what amino acids can be safely administered to patients in pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency?

In pyruvate dehydrogenase, patients may display a wide variety of symptoms - the most important being lactic acidosis. Amino acids like lysine and leucine can be safely administered to pyruvate dehydrogenase deficient patients because these amino acids are ketogenic and would not increase blood lactate levels.

Why can't erythrocytes use ketone bodies as sources of energy?

Because erythrocytes lack the enzyme succinyl CoA acetoacetate CoA transferase (thiophorase).

What is the best treatment for pregnancy-related DVT?


Why is amifostine given with cisplatin?

Cisplatin is a platinum-containing compound that forms DNA cross-links. The most prominent cisplatin side-effect is nephrotoxicity. Amifostine is used to decrease the nephrotoxicity produced by platinum-containing compounds.

What is the use of acid-Schiff PAS reaction?

The PAS stain is useful in highlighting polysaccharides of the fungal cell wall, mucosubstances secreted by epithelia, and basement membranes. Diatase is used with PAS to demonstrate glycogen. PAS stain is used to evaluate small bowel mucosa for Whipple disease.

What does low dose dopamine do to heart contractility and renal blood flow?

Increase and increase, respectively.

What does epinephrine do to heart contractility and renal blood flow?

Increase and decrease, respectively.

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Additional Readings:

Random USMLE Facts

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2. Random USMLE Facts volume 2-1
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4. Random USMLE Facts volume 4-1
5. Random USMLE Facts volume 5-1
6. Random USMLE Facts volume 6-1
7. Random USMLE Facts volume 7-1
8. Random USMLE Facts volume 8-1
9. Random USMLE Facts volume 9-1
10. Random USMLE Facts volume 10-1
11. Random USMLE Facts volume 11-1
12. Random USMLE Facts volume 12-1

General and Systemic Examinations

1. General Examination for Internal Medicine
2. Jugular Venous Distention Workup
3. ER Chest Pain Workup
4. Format for Patient Presentation
5. Pulmonary Examination for Internal Medicine
6. Cardiac Examination for Internal Medicine
7. Abdominal Examination for Internal Medicine
8. Cranial Nerve Reflexes
9. Motor System Examination
10. Random Sensory System Facts
11. Random Stroke Facts

Medical Files & Presentations

1. USMLE Flashcards [Size: 1.9 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
2. Otitis Media in Children [Size: 5.4 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Size: 170 kB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
4. Acid-Base Disturbance: Acidotic or Alkalotic? [Size: 427 kB; Format: PDF]
5. Thrombocytopenia [Size: 2.42 MB; Format: MS Powerpoint]
6. Are Face Transplants Ethical? [Size: 70.2 kB; Format: MS Powerpoint]

USMLE Step 2 CS Videos

1. Video of Cardiology Examination in a Clinical Setting
2. Video of Neurology Examination in a Clinical Setting
3. Video of Pulmonology Examination in a Clinical Setting
4. Video of Musculoskeletal Examination in a Clinical Setting
5. Video of Abdominal Examination in a Clinical Setting
6. Video of HEENT Examination in a Clinical Setting
7. Video and Description of Rinne Hearing Test
8. Video and Description of Weber Hearing Test

USMLE Laboratory (lab) Values

1. USMLE Blood Lab Values
2. USMLE Cerebrospinal Lab Values
3. USMLE Hematologic Lab Values
4. USMLE Sweat and Urine Lab Values

Medical Images

Useful Medical Images & Diagrams (link opens in a new window)

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